La Saint-Valentin dans un Softub ? La Saint-Valentin approche à grands pas ! Cette journée spéciale est l’occasion idéale pour célébrer Read more "
How to protect your Softub in winter Not planning to use your spa during the winter? It is essential to take Read more "
Chromotherapy: The science of healing with color Chromotherapy, also known as color therapy, is a form of Read more "
How to winterize your Softub spa? Discover how to winterize your Softub in 8 steps through this article! Read more "
How to choose a mobile spa? Individuals who express the need for a private spa no longer hesitate to choose a spa Read more "
The benefits of a garden spa To create a sense of excitement and give your garden a special touch, there is nothing better than Read more "
Benefits of our spas Nos conseils pour économiser de l’énergie Leader du marché dans la technologie de récupération de la chaleur pour une faible consommation d’énergie. Les hydromates Softub® combinent les fonctions de pompe, de moteur et de chauffage. L’eau Read more " Softub Wellness 25 janvier 2023 Aucun commentaire