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Water treatment of the spa

  1. How and when can I test the water in the spa?

    We recommend that you test the water in your softub once or twice a week.

    En daarnaast, na gebruik met meerdere personen (familie, vrienden,.....).

  2. Wat is de pH waarde?

    PH is the concentration of water in the water. On the testers it varies on a scale from 0 to 9. Van water wordt gezegd dat het neutraal is wanneer de pH-waarde gelijk is aan 7. If the water is alkaline or basic water, it should be below 7 and above 7 it should be neutral. In a spa the ideal pH is between 7.2 and 7.6.

    This is a very important element for the quality of your water. With a high pH, it is very important to keep the water clean and healthy.

    The products (pH + and pH-) are available in our e-shop.

  3. Wat is flocculatie?

    A process that uses a chemical medium to remove colloidal substances from the water, which are important for the water's purity, and which are then mixed with substances that are absorbed by the filter.

    The flocculant product (Clear Water) is available in our e-shop.

  4. How do you disinfect with chloor?

    Since 1986, we have been able to keep a minimum level of comfort in our spas due to all the changes and alterations.

    After use, the water should be cleaned to remove the bacteria and viruses that are released by the human body during the massage in the spa.

    There is no need for the user to be aware of this.

  5. How and when do I use the water in the spa?

    When the water in the spa is used and the products are used, the water is turned off and it is better to keep it clean.

    This is the time to change the water. This is a real problem: the water will be washed out when the water jets are turned on.

  6. What should I do to prevent the use of the kalkaanslag?

    The kalkaanslag that is used stops both the motor and the leidingen and makes it possible to operate the spa.

    The best way to anticipate this is to use the water with the right products to prevent the water from drying out.

    The Clean MetalProduct (anti-kalksteen starter) and the Defense Product (hardcore anti-kalksteen) are available in our E-shop.

    If you have a problem with your spa, please contact our technical department at contact@softub-wellness.lu for advice or assistance.

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