For many people who live in a flat is the privilege of having a spa in the middle of the street, a small amount of energy and luxury that you don't want to have, and the cost of these things. However, it is important that you have a better budget. If you want to make the most of the benefits of a spa, including the special moments you can enjoy with your family and friends, it's a good idea to take advantage of the many advantages and benefits of a spa in a small area.

Wat u moet weten alvorens een spa op het balkon te installeren

If you want to install a hot tub on a balcony, you should check the location where you want to install the hot tub. For the installation of a spa on a balcony, you can first of all make a change to the ground floor or the floor covering. When the cost of the spa is high, the number of users can be reduced, and this can lead to a reduction in the structure of the spa. Om dit te laten controleren, kan de verantwoordelijke ingenieur voor de werkzaamheden in uw gebouw U hierover meer informatie en tevens ook uitsluitsel betreffende de mogelijkheden geven. 

The second requirement for the installation of a spa in a flat is to ensure the privacy of the residents. If the land is privately owned, the structure of the building as a joint property must be respected. De syndicus zal zeker zijn toestemming geven als aangetoond wordt dat de ingenieur het project heeft gevalideerd. Since the plan for the installation of the spa has been drawn up, a number of safety regulations must be drawn up.

In acht te nemen veiligheidsmaatregelen

If the installation of the spa on the ground or in the balkon is risky, there should be a number of safety regulations in place to ensure that the spa can be used. These safety regulations concern the ground surface, the top of the spa and the toegankelijkheid.

For the installation of a hot tub on a balcony, there is a lot of work to be done. Bekijk op voorhand goed waar Uw spa wil plaatsen, en bereken goed de oppervlakte die nu reeds gebruikt word voor meubilair, etc, zo vermijdt u het hele balkon in beslag te nemen en nadien geen optisch mooi effect te hebben. If the hot tub is installed here, it should be possible to reduce the weight of the hot tub to less than that of the hot tub cover. In the event that this is not required, this must be avoided. In addition, you can stay in and out of the spa without risk. This is to ensure that you don't have to use a large spa, because the system is not easy to use. If you do not want to use the hot tub, you should use an anti-slip cover to protect the hot tub.

De voordelen van een Softub spa. 

A 4-person hot tub can be built up to 500 kg/m2. If the installer knows that this is the right amount of water to use, he can use the land as a foundation. The only thing we need to do now is to green the ground. But it is also a very complex operation, without the extra work and the extra costs. And this is the start of a soft-spa. The Softub is a light-weight spa that can be used as a normal room network, where it is ideal for sitting and sleeping, as well as for mobility and flexibility. 

The weight of a Softub spa is about 40 kg and, depending on the model, about 990 kg, including the users. An extra advantage is that it can be easily handled by all the covers and the traps. In addition to these mobility and safety features, it is not unacceptable that a Softub spa is placed on a 220V stop-contact stand, U dus geen speciale en kostelijke electriciteitswerkzaamheden moet laten uitvoeren, en de gepatenteerde technologie van de Softub spas staat dan ook nog eens garant voor een extreem laag stroomverbruik. This is why you need to be serious about the design of your spa.

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