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Softub is light, flexible, comfortable and friendly. Wherever you are in the house or building, a Softub will give you the opportunity to enjoy yourself.

This practical, mobile equipment is designed for use in your home, and is characterised by its excellent durability, thermal insulation and light weight. The coating is made of "Leathertex", a material that gives the traditional elegance of the Spa a strong look. The structure of the pool is made of Polybond, a highly insulating and durable material, which ensures high structural stability and a high level of comfort, both in a permanent and a permanent position.

de meest energiezuinige spa

Geregistreerd bij de "California Energy Commission

The results of the tests in the VS show that the softub uses less energy than its competitors for 3 to 5 hours. Very good!


Softub® -spa's are a great asset, easy to use and install, and are easy to move around in. The largest mobile spa in the world, where you can be on your own, can be found in many places. Everything you need is a stop contact and a pipe.


Thanks to the unique "Whisper"-technology Softub® spa's are the best on the market. You can enjoy the pleasure of being able to relax and fully enjoy yourself.


Softub® Spa's are very popular.
In the winter on your veranda, in the winter in your house or on your land...
Extreme weather, high temperatures, UV-straling, the high quality coating of Leathertex® ", a material from the sea, provides protection against all types of damage and a high level of comfort.


Thanks to the "Ozonator", a water supply system, you can create a specific pool for your use. The automatic ozone system provides an intensive and comprehensive program.

Flexibel en comfortabel

The round structure is a good example of how to move around in the spa. The draining system has many advantages.

The best feature is the "PolybondTM " structure. If it is not easy or difficult, I will feel comfortable thanks to this thick, insulating and light fabric. A unique design that makes me feel like a cocoon.


Met afwerkingen in lederlook, eigentijdse kleuren en praktische accessoires..... Softub® spa's bieden een chic design dat bij de huidige trend past en zich aanpast aan alle binnen- en buitenstijlen".

Therapeutische voordelen

A state-of-the-art technology with individual, sensitive massages. You can choose the program and the desired effect, depending on your personal needs (warm, warm, hot, cold, hot...). This is a powerful therapy that can be used to treat health problems.

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